Sunlight And Forest School

Today, lets look at Why Children Need Daylight And How Forest School Helps.
The season and Spring and into Summer bring with it longer days and better weather.
It certainly makes us all feel happier and wanting to get outside to enjoy it for as long as we can.
Infact there are some serious evolutionary benefits that come with getting out in the sunshine.
The Importance Of Sunlight For Human Beings
Our bodies are dependent on the sun to function properly.
Paleolithic children basked in the sun’s rays for hours on end, which regulate vitamin D production, brain chemistry, and circadian rhythms simply our wake-sleep cycle.
Today’s children, on average, spend little time outdoors in comparison.
Meals and leisure activities often take place inside, with the average 8–18-year-old spending about 7 hours per day in front of a screen.
Now this is not a parent shaming parade. Far from it. It simply highlights how our civilisation has changed.
Sun is a commodity that is free, ample in summer…usually… and provides a wealth of health benefits.
Even in winter some of these benefits are possible given the sun is shining. I did a video on this a few months back about he importance of getting a child outside in winter. If you’d like to check this out there is a link below.
The Vitamin King; Vitamin D.
An important role of the sun for our bodies is the production of the all important Vitamin D.
About 90% of the body’s Vitamin D is produced when sunlight hits the skin. Why is it so crucial?
Vitamin D helps metabolize and absorb calcium and other minerals, including zinc, magnesium, iron, and phosphate.
Modulating cell growth, neuromuscular function, immune function, reduction of inflammation and has a profound impact on the production of feel-good brain chemicals, such as beta-endorphins and serotonin.
It’s kind of like the bodies motivational roadside mechanic giving you the once over, repairing anything that’s stopping the vehicle (your body) driving smoothly.
Our Internal Clocks — The Circadian Rhythm
Sunlight is necessary to regulate our circadian rhythms.
During evolutionary times, being active and awake during night time meant an increased chance of being eaten by a mountain lion, falling off a cliff or something highly dangerous that would end in a mild case of death.
It was in our best interest to sleep during hours of darkness in order to decrease these risks.
Sleep is a time when hormones and nutrients go to work in the body so that bones, muscles, and organs can grow.
To go back to our roadside mechanic, sleep is when the body goes in for that big number in the garage. In this case a eye watering bill doesn’t follow!
The brain consolidates memories, processes emotions, produces important neurotransmitters in preparation of the day to come.
Most interestingly research has found that children who increase their daily sleep by one hour had improved emotion regulation, decreased impulsivity, and improved attention and behaviour.
The Feel Good Chemical; Serotonin.
Exposure to sunlight influences the production of serotonin, a chemical messenger in the brain used to regulate mood and emotion.
Researchers believe that serotonin plays an important role in brain development, as children actually have higher levels of serotonin than adults.
Increased levels of serotonin is related to feelings of well-being, joy and happiness in children, whereas low levels of serotonin are related to impulsivity, aggression, depression, anxiety and other developmental problems.
All this can only be obtained through sun exposure during the day time.
Basically they have to get outside.
What better way than to combine this with a way of learning that helps set children up for life success?
How Forest School Can Help?
Forest School by definition is based in the outdoors, providing a child with the opportunity to engage in nature contact and all the benefits this brings about.
Including long exposure to the benefits of Vitamin Dfrom the sun.
Then through hands of play directed by the child, like a mini Spielberg, they choose what, when, where, how and with who they learn to develop a well rounded version of themselves.
This immediately motivates children them and amps up enjoyment so much that they are wishing to repeat this experience again and again.
This compliments Forest School’s long term process, because serious learning can’t happen in a handful of times. It needs to be repeated consistently.
Practice makes permanent.
If this really wasn’t enough all the social, physical, intellectual, communicative, emotional and spiritual expenditure of energy a child will sacrifice at Forest School, it’s highly likely it will wipe them out and they’ll be in their beds well before their bedtime.
Pretty neat, right?
You’re Just One Session Away.
4 reasons why you should be getting your kids outside this winter.