Where Did the Idea Of Our Parent Pack, Come From?

So yesterday’s episode revealed to you some exciting development’s that have happened and are in place at Eco Ed Forest School!
I told you that there were some big changes afoot!
It all surrounds one word value!
I explained that it baffled me why people secretively kept information and their ‘trade secrets’ to themselves instead of passing it forward and helping the most people that they can with their knowledge and understanding.
Nobody’s going to copy! Even if they do it’ll always be different as we’re all different.
To be honest if someone thinks so highly of what your doing that they want to copy, well that’s a compliment, no?
Massive added value is where I’m going with this, at least so I can make the hardest journey you’re going on, parenting that little easier and serve you at a higher level.
I really would encourage you to go and watch, listen or read that episode as there is some really interesting stuff in there for you to find out about and know. Oh did you not know we had a videos, a podcast and a blog?
Well I’ll be sure to link below for you to check out. That way you can choose your preferred method to consume something interesting to you.
Alright, So our parent packs! This is what you will come across first if you are new to us or Forest School.
Oh, by the way it’s FREE!
The pack is filled with everything a newbie could imagine.
It gives you a full run down on What Forest School is, What the benefits are, What a forest school leader does, Arun down of all our sessions , What happens at a typical forest school session, What your child should wear and our recommendations, Our offer to you, Our vision and values AND a crib sheet for those short on time.
IF that was not enough you get 3 bonus’s!
The first is 10 videos, one at a time breaking down the most common questions parents ask. A literal in-depth walk through of each question that I narrate over the top.
Second is access to our private Facebook Group — Eco Committee where even more value is put and thirdly our weekly newsletter that includes, tips, tricks and hacks.
It literally decodes Forest School in a simple way, brings you into the community so you can speak to our amazing eco explorers, who are parents just like you but have taken the leap into Forest School, about any fears you have and get to speak to me one to one. In addition you get to hear first about anything we’ve got going on!
This parent pack is your key to unlocking how Eco Ed Forest School will impact upon the lives of your child making them into smarter, kinder, thoughtful and happier individual (without worksheets, test or arm twisting) so you can get on with admiring what an amazing human being you created and enjoy quality time together.
Pretty irresistible right? Love to hear your thoughts if you think something else needs to be included! But for now
Your just one session away!
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/eco-ed-forest-school
Facebook: Eco Ed Forest School
Website: www.ecoedforestschool.co.uk