What Are The Benefits of Forest School?

Now I’ve been jumping in and out of the benefits for a while but never put them succinctly together for you…..until now. There are 10 all with no techno babble so here we go;
Forest School helps children to grow in confidence as a result of the freedom, time and space they are given in their play.
2. Social skills
Activities such as sharing tools and participating in play help teach the children to work together as a group, which strengthens their bonds and social skills.
3. Communication
The sensory experiences and social connections provided by Forest School helps prompt language development. Improving communication skills has a positive effect on a child’s self-esteem and is a crucial to their development.
4. Motivation and concentration
Child led play immediately motivates a child which leads to high levels of attention, engagement and concentration in their learning, through play.
5. Physical skills
The increased opportunity for active play outdoors has a positive physical impact. Not only on their stamina and co-ordination but also their gross and fine motor skills. Simply movement of the large muscles and the smaller ones that help them pick up things.
6. Knowledge and understanding
Children develop an interest and respect for the environment, through Forest School . Encouraging children to develop a relationship with the natural world will help in protecting the environment for generations to come.
7. New Perspectives
Forest School isn’t just beneficial for children it is also beneficial to teachers and parents. Observing children in different settings allows you to gain a new perspective and understanding of that individual.
8. A Family Affair
When children really engage with Forest Schools they will take their experiences home to share with friends and family. This often encourages families to visit their local woodlands and get out more frequently.
9. Levels the playing field
Taking children outside of the classroom removes the pressures of schooling and allows them to explore what interest them and their strengths in those areas. It also allows opportunities to approach weaknesses and work on them in confidence, through a trusting relationship developed at Forest School. Simply children are met where they are at.
10. Enjoyable for the children
Forest Schools are fun! It is educational but it is also about learning through play, exploration and discovery. Children who participate in Forest Schools are generally observed to be happier. The fresh air, the excitement,and the chance to get mucky all adds to that. It doesn’t get much better than that for children ae.
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