Outdoor Learning Planning Bundle For Schools!

Now teachers may have felt left out recently as I have been talking a great deal about how forest school can help families.
It can also help classes and schools as long as the school is one of those that searches to find the wiggle room , which I spoke about in episode ‘What if it is the same for children’, where I addressed that not all schools are the same.
I’d encourage you to go and check that out if you want further details as to what I mean.
If a school wishes to use our services they too will be able to receive a FREE pack to gain an idea of how Forest School can help and the services we offer.
Now one of the elements of that Teacher Pack is an outdoor lesson plan bundle which contains 3 plans per key stage at primary level.

So for those not so quick on maths that is a free bundle of 9 lessons!
This is not to say either, that using a teachers expertise, they wouldn’t be able to adapt the lessons in other key stages up or down to suit the needs of their class.
These lessons are not Forest School, I must make that clear, but they are perfect for introducing or enhancing what you already do in preparation for a Forest School programme.
Learning outside really takes a different mindset and this bundle helps that transition.
Now within each of these lesson are included some of my favourite activities that I very rarely use anymore, but hated them to go to waste.
The 3 plans are directed at Maths, English and team building/problem solving and require little to no prep which is incredible for time poor teachers.
I know because I use to be one!
If you’d like to find out more, in the meantime whilst the website is in the throws of redecoration, drop me a message and I’ll be happy to send it your way!
Remember your just one session away.