Our Bespoke Woodland Parties

I’m excited to be talking about one of our favourite events woodland parties.
So our woodland parties are bespoke and made around the interests of the child.
They last for 2 hours in length and include party bags but exclude food.
The day is usually filled with an incredible vibe as everyone is so happy to be there and celebrating the birthday persons special day.
Now we’ve had a load of different party ideas in the past so I’d say don’t be shy in suggesting what your child is into.

The whackier the better. I may live to regret that comment. But I’m rolling with it.
Now the party has a fixed fee 10 per person with a maximum of 15 children, with a deposit being requested at the time of booking.
If you choose to go with our 6 month membership you get a party added in for good measure! Some exciting things to think about right there.
If you have any questions or would like to get yours booked in drop us an email which you can find on the interim website at
Youre just one session away.