Glorious Mud Play And Forest School

Today I’m looking at the power of mud play and why children are allowed to at Forest School.
It seems like a piece of metal to a magnet when your child see’s mud, right!
They are almost magnetically drawn to it and seek out wherever they go, leading to hours of absorbing play where they can measure, move, squish, build, mix, pour, dig, and a number of other verbs.
It quite possibly could be the simplest but most effective play type of them all.
However despite it’s simplicity it can be your worst nightmare, especially when you’ve just had the car cleaned or lay nice cream coloured rugs in the house.
Ultimately the less than joyous side of mud for you, as a parent at least is the filth mud creates!
Despite the mess, here’s why you should be encouraging your child to mud play. Not like they need any but you know what I mean.
The Benefits Of Mud Play
Scientists have confirmed and further expanded on something that children have always instinctively known; playing in mud is a joyful experience for mind and body!
All mud contains microscopic bacteria called Mycobacterium Vaccae which stimulates your child’s immune system and increases the levels of serotonin in their brains, an endorphin that soothes, calms, and helps your child to relax.
The science suggests regular exposure to the bacteria may help reduce your child’s vulnerability to things like depression and through stimulating the immune system through mud play, in today’s over sanitized world, works to prime you child’s immune system to prevent allergies.
Quite simply, playing in mud makes your child happier! It’s not just healthy for your child but you too if you are brave enough.
Mud As A Learning Tool
Mud is also an excellent medium for learning through play.
The same release of serotonin that occurs when playing in mud has also been shown to improve your child’s cognitive function.
The rich, engaging, sensory play children partake in while playing with mud to, allows them to express their creativity while developing their fine motor skills. Skills that relate to the small muscles of the body which enable such functions as writing, grasping small objects and fastening clothing.
Throughout mud play and infact all play to be exact, your child will practice social skills such as cooperation, negotiation, communication, and sharing as they work together.
Social skills are stimulated through mud placy specifically due to two emotions; shock and awe. The shock of how it feels to be covered in it and the awe of happiness as it fulfils your child and others with joy. These feelings immediately create conversations and the rest just falls into place.
At this time skills traditionally surrounding and included within maths and science are practiced, without being labelled these terms, as children make before and after comparisons, solve problems, test theories, and measure and count ingredients for their mud pies. This is the scientific process in action!
If this was not all enough mud is a wonderful art medium, it is in ample supply, can be easily moulded to create endless items, and responds differently than clay or other such malleable materials.
The open-ended nature of mud play encourages creative thinking and allows children to freely create, without fear of making mistakes. This contributes to a child’s sense of self, helping to build a strong inner sense of competency, esteem, empowerment and resilience.
Mud; The Inclusive Tool
Mud play is also continually inclusive of all children. It allows children to play at their own developmental level. Mud is an open ended material that meets the diverse needs and interests of different children. Younger or less skilled children might focus on the sensory experience whereas older children may have more specific goals in mind for their mud play.
Some children may thoroughly enjoy the sensation of mud between their toes while others are only comfortable poking a finger into the mud. Allow children to explore the mud at their own comfort level. With mud, there is something for everyone and there are no wrong answers.
A Nature Contact Medium
Potentially most importantly playing in the mud inspires children to contact with and feel a connection to nature, developing an appreciation for the environment.
Many children today have limited opportunities to play outdoors and it is difficult to care about the environment if you have not had the chance to spend time in nature.
By providing time outdoors and the chance for muddy, messy play, you facilitate a love of the earth.
Maybe the greatest benefit of mud play is the memories being created by the children. Mud play and the wonder and joy associated with it are the stuff that fabulous childhood memories are made of and lead to a development of all those key life skills!
And do you know where all this is encouraged and supported, not just through mud play either?
You guessed it; Forest School.
You’re Just One Session Away!