#1 Forest School Time Waster Parents Need To Avoid!

Today, I’m going to be letting you into number 1 forest school time waster parents need to avoid. What could this be you might ask?
Well its one of my pet peeves; bad clothing.
The forest is and can be a very hostile environment and a number of clothing establishments sell items they claim are waterproof or are warm and durable or, my personal favourite windproof.
Yes they may appear convenient when they’re spotted in a shop and the dazzlingly and perhaps fancy patterns can lead us astray but don’t be fooled.
These pieces do not live up to the scrutiny of the outdoors. The cold will seek out the weak.
It is non prejudice and can hurt even the most hardy of adventurer. Trust me on that!
But the adventurer knows that through bypassing the the glits and the glam of popular outdoor apparel and seeking out the fabrics that are tested by time and our ancestors, is where the true value lays.
Yes these items will cost a little more. However, the old wives tale of ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ may never have been so appropriate.
Ultimately they are cheap fabrics with an even smaller lifespan ending up in the bin a few months later as it’s either broken, torn or shrunk in the wash, even after you follow the care label.
The other day I spoke about ‘Can Forest School harm the woodland?’ and during that I drew a lot of attention to sustainability.
Sadly the clothing industry has a bad reputation when it comes to ethics and sustainability, particularly that fast fashion approach.
I feel above all this is something that radically needs changing.
Now, it is noted that outdoor specific brands have been, perhaps unsurprisingly, leading the way where this is concerned and can be seen as promising.
Not least our friends over at Spotty Otter.

Absolute game changing leaders in this whole field and you can hear more about their methods for sustainability on the sit down Sunday episode I did with their brand and marketing manager Indy a couple of weeks ago.
All their clothing will not let your little one down.
It is hard wearing, durable, long lasting, easy to clean and the finer details make it a joy to wear for children.
If this wasn’t enough I’ve gone ahead and taken a chance as I mentioned in the other days podcast, by creating a new website ecootter.co.uk.

Here you will be able to buy Spotty Otter gear through us.
Not only that but I wanted to over deliver on their offer with huge amounts of value by creating a supplementary one.
What do I mean by this well when you head over to ecootter.co.uk and buy a piece of Spotty Otter clothing through Eco Ed Forest School you will be entitled to our 4 FREE bonuses offer,
This is guaranteed to enhance the whole load of awesomeness Spotty Otter have provided to you.
I really believe in the company and want to support them and you in the best way I know how, so we can get children playing outdoors in a way that keeps them warm, dry and learning tonnes.
Your just one otter away.,.